Saturday, March 13, 2010

Uhmmm, I kind of burned my scalp with my hair straightener the other day.....?

And now, when I feel around at that part of my scalp it's all scabby and flaky. It will go away in a few days, right? My hair won't fall out, will it? It really hurts, kind of like an open wound. (It's not bleeding.) But how can I make it stop hurting?Uhmmm, I kind of burned my scalp with my hair straightener the other day.....?
omgosh happened to me like a million times

i just put some vaseline on it like my hairdresser said

the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of it lol

don't grease your scalp or put any chemicals into your hair

don't touch it

and no your hair won't fall out

it usually won't stop hurting really you just have to waitUhmmm, I kind of burned my scalp with my hair straightener the other day.....?
It's the same as when you burn any other part of your body. It will heal. Just give it a few days and avoid irritating it by touching it.
well you can make it stop hurting by not touching it or thinking about it. it'll heal soon in time.


  1. You can put a few dabs of Vicks Vaporub on the burn with either your finger or a Q-Tip. The menthol in it will help take the sting and heat out and the petroleum in it will help keep it moist (so as to help against the flaking/scabbing) and it won't hurt as bad tomorrow. You can also use Vicks Vaporub on small cuts/scrapes and it'll help take the hurt out as well. It's also good for sunburn, too. You can lightly rub a thin layer onto the sunburn (it'll SLIGHTLY sting for a minute or so, it's very bearable, but once the menthol starts activating, you'll start to feel it cool down)

  2. Guys dont put vaseline or vicks on to it!!! It's still a burn wound and should be treated that way. Substances like vaseline will trap in the heat and the skin cells will continue to boil and it will make it worse. Cold water, aloe gel or burnshield is the only answer. Literally nothing else.
